ใ€Event Highlightsใ€‘ Highlights of the 22nd Corporate Case Competition and Essay Award Ceremony

Release Date: 2024/06/20

Highlights of the 22nd Corporate Case Competition and Essay Award Ceremony


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Time: June 8, 09:00
Location: L Building, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Organized by: Department of Business Administration, Shih Chien University
Co-organized by: College of Management Sustainability Development Center, Shih Chien University; Innovation Incubation Center, Shih Chien University; Dandelion Creative Business Research Institute

Event Schedule

  • Speeches by Faculty and Guests
  • Essay Competition Awards
  • Case Competition Awards
  • Group Photo Time

4th High School and Vocational School Essay Competition

Purpose of the Event
The event encourages high school and vocational students to complete an essay through teamwork, allowing them to learn the process of exploring and delving into topics, while also integrating practical knowledge to achieve the goal of applying what they’ve learned.

Topic: Taiwan's Path to Net Zero 2050.

In March 2022, Taiwan published the "Taiwan 2050 Net Zero Emission Pathway and Strategy Overview," providing a roadmap for achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The plan includes four major transformations: "energy transition," "industry transition," "lifestyle transition," and "social transition," along with two key governance foundations: "technology research and development" and "climate legislation." The goal is to implement the promise of a net-zero transition by 2050, with twelve key strategies supporting this effort. The task is to describe your understanding of this plan and provide your comments.

๐ŸŽ‰ Winning Students ๐ŸŽ‰
๐Ÿฅ‡ Special Award: Wang (Team Leader), Fuxing High School
๐Ÿฅˆ First Prize: Yang (Team Leader), Caotun Commercial and Industrial Vocational High School
๐Ÿฅ‰ Second Prize: Bu (Team Leader), Pingbei High School
๐Ÿฅ‰ Second Prize: Tian (Team Leader), Zhubei High School
๐Ÿฅ‰ Second Prize: Hu (Team Leader), Lukang High School

22nd Corporate Case Competition

Purpose of the Event
As modern students are equipped with forward-thinking and diverse development, this event encourages high school and vocational students to combine AI technology with practical application. It allows students to showcase their talents by writing instructions and utilizing AI for brand building. The goal is to present and plan based on AI technology and artistic depth, promoting innovative ideas and executing practical solutions. This provides industries with the opportunity to discover and reserve future talents, particularly those specializing in the cutting-edge combination of AI and the arts.

Topic: Digital Intelligence and Sustainable Power: Building the Future Enterprise with ESG Inclusion.

This topic explores how to integrate ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles with digital transformation to drive sustainable development in enterprises. The focus is on how digital technologies can be applied in strategic planning and organizational design to achieve ESG goals, while also highlighting the company’s social responsibility and values through brand management. This is not only the road to corporate transformation but also a commitment to a sustainable future.

๐ŸŽ‰ Winning Students ๐ŸŽ‰

๐Ÿฅ‡ Special Award

Shih Chien University
Chen Yujie - Future Technology: Environmentally Friendly Food Manufacturing Factory

๐Ÿฅ‡ Special Award

๐Ÿฅˆ First Prize

Shih Chien University
Gu Zhengting - ESG Eco-Friendly Sustainable Beverage Store

๐Ÿฅˆ First Prize  Shih Chien University Gu Zhengting - ESG Eco-Friendly Sustainable Beverage Store

๐Ÿฅ‰ Honorable Mention

Shih Chien University
Luo Yiqing - Green Hotel

๐Ÿฅ‰ Honorable Mention  Shih Chien University Luo Yiqing - Green Hotel

๐Ÿฅ‰ Honorable Mention

Shih Chien University
Wu Yuxun - Smart Self-Service Restaurant

๐Ÿฅ‰ Honorable Mention  Shih Chien University Wu Yuxun - Smart Self-Service Restaurant

๐Ÿฅ‰ Honorable Mention

Shih Chien University
Li Qifang - Future-Oriented Bookstore

๐Ÿฅ‰ Honorable Mention  Shih Chien University Li Qifang - Future-Oriented Bookstore

๐Ÿ… AI Art Innovation Award

Shih Chien University
Lin Youchen - AI Smartๆ— ไบบ Shoe Store

๐Ÿ… AI Art Innovation Award  Shih Chien University Lin Youchen - AI Smartๆ— ไบบ Shoe Store

๐Ÿ… AI Art Innovation Award

Chung Yuan Christian University
Lin Jingjia - Green Cars Driving Towards a Friendly Tomorrow

๐Ÿ… AI Art Innovation Award  Chung Yuan Christian University Lin Jingjia - Green Cars Driving Towards a Friendly Tomorrow

๐Ÿ… ESG Digital Innovation Management Award

National Taipei University
Lu Ziqiao - Smart Living Integrating a Green Future: Building Sustainable Communities

๐Ÿ… ESG Digital Innovation Management Award  National Taipei University Lu Ziqiao - Smart Living Integrating a Green Future: Building Sustainable Communities

๐Ÿ… ESG Digital Innovation Management Award

Shih Chien University
Sha Yi - The Future Smart Green Station

๐Ÿ… ESG Digital Innovation Management Award  Shih Chien University Sha Yi - The Future Smart Green Station